ISSN 2733-4244 (Print)

ISSN 2733-4252 (Online)

저자명, 제목, 내용, 권/호수 통합검색. 키워드별로 한칸 띄워 입력
번호 년도/발간일 권호 제목 저자
2 2020 제34권 제1호 An Overview of Korea’s Water Resource Management: Lessons from the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project

An Overview of Korea’s Water Resource Management: Lessons from the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project

1 2018 제32권 제3호 Status and Tasks of Global Environmental Governance: A Case Study of the Yellow Dust Phenomena in Northeast Asia

Status and Tasks of Global Environmental Governance: A Case Study of the Yellow Dust Phenomena in Northeast Asia
