ISSN 2733-4244 (Print)

ISSN 2733-4252 (Online)

조회 : 2,570  
· 자료구분 2017년 제31권 제1호
· 자료명 Factors Affecting the Internal Use of Performance Information
· 저자 툴시 람 부살툴시 람 부살님 관련 자료검색  ,   금재덕 금재덕님 관련 자료검색
· 주제어 Factors Affecting the Internal Use of Performance Information
· 첨부파일 04툴시 람 부살_금재덕.pdf파일다운로드 Download : 43
· 내용

This paper examines empirically what factors affect the internal use of Performance Information (PI) in South Korean public agencies. In order to do this, this paper has identified dimensions of the internal use of PI and examined the role of institutional, individual, data quality, and external factors to be correlated with the internal use of PI. Data from 333 public managers from four different South Korean public agencies participating in the survey were used to test the relationship. The results show that public officials’ use of PI for managerial and organizational decision making is affected by several factors. Particularly, individual perception about Performance Management (PM) have significant relationships with the internal use of PI (both managerial and organizational use), suggesting that the individual-level factors may results in differences in the uses of PI. However, this study highlights that different factors have affect the different use of PI. On the one hand, institutional factors (the quality of PMS and gatekeeping), group and development culture, and role of stakeholder have significant relationship with managerial use. On the other hand, data quality, rational culture, and grade is significantly and positively related to organizational use of PI. This result implies that PMS should be carefully constructed and implemented, in order to enlarge the use of PI for the internal decision making. It is needless to say that purposes of PI use should be considered.

Key Words: Performance Management, Performance Information, Use of Performance Information, Factors affecting Uses of Performance Information


저자명, 제목, 내용, 권/호수 통합검색. 키워드별로 한칸 띄워 입력
번호 년도/발간일 권호 제목 저자
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[31권 3호]주요 10개 국가의 국가표준 거버넌스 유형에 대한 비교・분석적 연구

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